March on 21 May
When: Saturday 21 May 2016
Time: 12pm
Where: 199 Lewisham High St. SE13 6LG
Route: Lewisham to Catford Town Hall
Protecting the borough’s library service is important in context of wider cutbacks in education, (Lewisham Southwark College course cuts) closing or depleting a library service in an area of high deprivation like Lewisham is serious.
4 libraries are under threat of depleted service Catford, Forest Hill, Manor House...
March for Lewisham borough's Library -21st May
When: Saturday 21 May 2016
Time: 12pm
Where: 199 Lewisham High St. SE13 6LG
Route: Lewisham to Catford Town Hall
Protecting the borough’s library service is important in context of wider cutbacks in education, (Lewisham Southwark College course cuts) closing or depleting a library service in an area of high deprivation like Lewisham is serious.
4 libraries are under threat of depleted service Catford, Forest Hill, Manor House...
March for Lewisham borough's Library -21st May